Friday, March 27, 2009

Obedience is more important than compassion.

NFL player, Ryan Moats, was rushing to the hospital with his wife Tamishia, whose mother was hospitalized and about to die. Moats stopped at a red light by the hospital, when traffic was cleared he went through the red light because it was believed that his mother-in-law would die any minute.

Dallas Police officer Robert Powell saw this and pulled up to Moats in the hospital parking lot. Moats and his wife tried to explain they were rushing to the bedside of the dying woman. Office Powell was more interested in exerting his authority. At one point the officer pulled his gun and told the family that he can “screw you over”. He pointed the gun at the distraught Tamishia. Moats and ordered her and another female relative of the dying woman to get in the car. Mrs Moats and the other relative instead ran for the hospital door.

Even when a second police officer confirmed that Moats and his relatives were telling the truth Officer Powell didn’t care. Moats yelled” My mother-in-law is dying! Right now! You’re wasting my time! I don’t understand why you can’t understand that.” Powell told Moats: “Shut your mouth. You can either settle down and cooperate or I can just take you to jail for running a red light.” Compassionate dude!

Video of the incident, according to Dallas Police Chief David Kunkle, shows that Moats “handled himself very, very well.” Powell, however, issued one threat after another. He told Moats that he could have his car towed and that he could arrest him and jail him for running the red light during this emergency. He hinted that he could make things very bad for Moats if he didn’t obey and stop talking: “I can screw you over. I ‘d rather not do that. Your attitude will dictate everything that happens.” What precisely did he mean by “screw you over?” For the record, Tamishia’s mother died while Moats was still being held in the parking lot by the arrogant police officer.

A video of the incident is above. Of course Officer Power is on paid vacation, or “administrative leave” as the matter is investigated.

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